This page has figures and extra content relating to papers on planet migration torques, specifically "Low mass planet migration in magnetically torqued dead zones I: Static migration torque", "Low mass planet migration in magnetically torqued dead zones - II. Flow-locked and runaway migration, and a torque prescription" and "Migrating super-Earths in low viscosity discs: unveiling the roles of feedback, vortices and laminar accretion flows" .
From Paper I first are animated versions of Figure 6, showing the flow in the corotation region, and Figure 7, showing vortensity in a cut through the corotation region oposite of the planet location.
- Animated Figure 6: Flow in the corotation region with streamlines of velocity in the frame of the planet drawn in blue, and absolute vortensity shown in the color map.
- Animated Figure 7: Cut across the corotation region opposite of the planet position, showing vortensity. The vortensity on the librating streamlines in the corotation region has been driven by the Lorentz force, while upstream the disc remains at its initial vortensity, and downstream the material which has passed by the planet on flow-through streamlines has continued to spiral towards the star.
Relating to Paper II, this movie extends Figure 7 of that paper, by showing the time evolution of the corotation region vortensity contrasts, the planet position, and the total torques.
Finally, this a large .png version of the migration "city map" from "Migrating super-Earths in low viscosity discs: unveiling the roles of feedback, vortices and laminar accretion flows".