Planet Disc Interactions with Non-ideal Magnetohydrodynamics

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Email: colin AT colinmcnally dot ca

This page has figures and extra content relating to papers on planet migration torques, specifically "Low mass planet migration in magnetically torqued dead zones I: Static migration torque", "Low mass planet migration in magnetically torqued dead zones - II. Flow-locked and runaway migration, and a torque prescription" and "Migrating super-Earths in low viscosity discs: unveiling the roles of feedback, vortices and laminar accretion flows" .

From Paper I first are animated versions of Figure 6, showing the flow in the corotation region, and Figure 7, showing vortensity in a cut through the corotation region oposite of the planet location.

Relating to Paper II, this movie extends Figure 7 of that paper, by showing the time evolution of the corotation region vortensity contrasts, the planet position, and the total torques.

Finally, this a large .png version of the migration "city map" from "Migrating super-Earths in low viscosity discs: unveiling the roles of feedback, vortices and laminar accretion flows".